“Ill Dolce Far Niente”
Il Dolce Far Nietne (translated: The simplicity of doing nothing) to me is a grand feeling. It is a moment when I find solitude in any given moment, big or small, exciting or calm. In today’s society I feel like the average American translates “doing nothing” into much more complex ideas such as watching TV with a bag of salty-satisfying potato chips.

In this photographic series I would like to express my interpretation of “doing nothing” and life’s great appreciation of the fact. Doing nothing means a clear conscious. It’s as simple as a deep breath of fresh air, relaxing every muscle in the body leaving it screaming for more. It’s the taste of amazing flavor in a sip of wine. Or even a view of the road ahead or skinny gap between the buildings leading to the open sky above. What ever my moment is, I choose to live in it and appreciate it for it’s simplicity. We are given a handful of things in life, few are free...embrace these little things and find the beauty in doing nothing!
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