Tahressa Moore 
Visual Design / Branding / UX​​​​​​​

I create compelling ideas for clients, helping them gain a competitive edge in an oversaturated market. It's been said that the hardest thing in the world is to simplify your life. As humans, we are always trying to solve for the next best thing. Sometimes if we just take a forward step with what we are given, the answers are right in front of us. 

Visual Design 
My career began in print. Websites were stale and basic. IOS apps didn’t exist. I quickly found myself working as an Art Director for a technology company known for commercial automation and AV control. Visually appealing designs, subtle details and brand guidelines combined with innovative interfaces became my daily companion. I was able to apply my skill to various touch points to further increase my passion for better usability. I hope to continue these challenges as technology advances and showcase it in my future work.  

Chaos deserves order, and my heart yearns for consistency, guidelines, and pattern. We are nothing without a story. It's my job to create and bring order to these perceptions.

UX Design
Being a problem solver at heart combined with a sensitivity for design has molded me into an aspiring digital designer. I thrive to make the user experience easier and more understandable. Below I outline the process behind UI / UX design.

It happens in my head...
Research (what does it look like now?) 
Structure (how is it built?) 
Concept and Strategy (what do we want it to do, and how will we get there?)
Create (understand and define deliverables such as site maps, wire frames, case studies, personalities, and scenarios?)

Communication is key to successful UX design. Problem solving and reasoning bring new life.
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